Online Teaching and Learning Checklist and Guidelines
Overview of key aspects of teaching and learning with online instruction. Perspectives offered from instructional designer, online instructor, and online learner points of view. An associated checklist is provided to aid in thinking about how online instruction meets minimal design and technology principles, instructor planning and facilitation activities, and online learner support mechanisms. It is not intended as a full list of all aspects for designing online instruction, as instruction should be purposeful, consider technological pedagogical content knowledge principles, and follow accessibility guidelines.
Online Case Study – Customer Services Representative Training
This simple animated case study (no narration) was developed as a primer for instructional design students in an Advanced Instructional Design course. The goals of the course are to engage students in storyboarding, critiquing, and enhancing an instructional unit of their choice. The goals of the supporting online case are to prompt student thinking about instructional design and the alignment among expected learning outcomes and instructional activities. The online case also provided a model for students to use to create their own course project that includes… preparing a storyboard for a piece of instruction, critiquing the instruction, reflecting on the instruction, and enhancing the instruction. Students are also promoted to record their thoughts about the case in a reflection journal. Notice how the case engages students in generative learning (hands-on / minds-on activities), cognitive flexibility (thinking from a designer, facilitator, learner perspective about the case), reflection (interpreting the instruction presented in the case, thinking about how the case can be used to create their own project, reflecting on how this case can help them build on their professional identity in the future), and level of engagement (working with a case that evokes higher order thinking, practice, and application).