By Yuri Pavlov | IDD&E doctoral student (Belarus)
Since the IDD&E Department was formed in 1948, hundreds of students from at least 62 countries have received their education here and contributed their unique perspectives to classroom discussions and projects. In the academic year 2019–2020, a total of 67 students are enrolled to study instructional design at the master’s, doctoral, and certificate of advanced study levels. Of these students, 33 are women and 34 are men, 21 students are international and 46 are domestic. The international students represent 12 unique countries. The student body is diverse in such dimensions as religion, ethnicity, race, sexuality, political affiliation, nationality, age, disability, and culture. Our students bring invaluable experiences, talents, strengths, skills, and views into the classroom and help make everyone’s experience better in their selected programs. Not only are we proud to be a diverse student body, we are also proud of our small but diverse IDD&E faculty that are represented by professors from South Korea, China, Canada, and the United States. Networking among the students and professors affords the students with an unmatched potential to make an impact in students’ respective countries or local communities. The opportunities to collaborate with students from different backgrounds improves intended results for everyone involved in the collaboration by reducing groupthink, sparking innovation and effective problem-solving, and promoting empathy toward other people’s ways of looking at the world.
In how many languages can we say the name of our department?
SPANISH Diseño Instruccional, Desarrollo y Evaluación
PORTUGUESE Desenho Instrucional, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação
ITALIAN Progettazione della Formazione, Sviluppo e Valutazione
FRENCH Design de la Formation, Développement et Évaluation
ROMANIAN Design Instructional, de Dezvoltare si Evaluare
GERMAN Instruktionsdesign, Entwicklung und Evaluation
LATIN Ars Doctrīnae Dēsignandae, Prōfectūs et Aestimātiōnis
POLISH Projektowanie edukacyjne, badanie i ewaluacja
TURKISH Öğretim tasarımı, geliştirme ve değerlendirme
ALBANIAN Hartimi, zhvillimi, dhe vlerësimi mësimor
RUSSIAN Педагогический дизайн, разработка и оценка эффективности
BELARUSIAN Педагагічны дызайн, распрацоўка і ацэнка эфектыўнасці
UKRAINIAN Педагогічний дизайн, розробка і оцінка ефективності
KYRGYZ Педагогикалык дизайн, иштеп чыгуу, жана баа берүү
TAJIK Тарҳ, рушд, ва баҳодиҳии педагогӣ
CHINESE 教学设计,开发和评估
TIGRINYA ኣስተምህሮኣዊ ንድፊ፡ ምዕባለን ገምጋምን
ARABIC التصميم والتطوير والتقويم التعليمي
PERSIAN طراحي آموزشي، توسعه و ارزيابي
PASHTO د آموزش ډیزاین، پراختیا او ارزونه
URDU انسٹرکشنل ڈیزائن ، ڈویلپمنٹ اینڈ ایوالیوایشن
HINDI निर्देशात्मक डिजाइन, विकास और मूल्यांकन
NEPALI निर्देशात्मक डिजाइन, विकास र मूल्यांकन
KHMER ការវាយតម្លៃ អភិវឌ្ឍន៍ និងការតាក់តែងខ្លឹមសារ និងបែបបទសម្រាប់បង្រៀន

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