By Thomas C. Reeves | Ph.D. IDD&E ’79
As an IDD&E doctoral student in the late 1970s, I was first introduced to Professor Tjeerd Plomp and other University of Twente faculty and students by Professor Don Ely. Over the nearly 40 years of my career at The University of Georgia, I visited the University of Twente many times, and whenever I did, I was always made to feel especially welcomed by Tjeerd. He and I enjoyed long walks and fascinating discussions, and I ended up contributing four chapters with some of my students to books that Tjeerd co-edited. He was an amazing scholar and a true gentleman in the best sense of the word. Of course, so was Professor Don Ely. They collaborated on important scholarly undertakings such as editing Classic Writings on Instructional Technology and The International Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. I last saw Professor Tjeerd Plomp in December 2018 when we dined together with Professors Jan van den Akker, Susan McKenney, and Nienke Nieveen in Enschede (the Netherlands), the city where the University of Twente is located. I’ll never forget these two exceptionally productive and kind scholars, Professor Don Ely and Professor Tjeerd Plomp.

Thomas C. Reeves is Professor Emeritus of Learning, Design, and Technology at the University of Georgia (GA). He can be reached by email at His webpage is
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