- Alqahtani, M. M., Hall, J. A., Leventhal, M., & Argila, A. N. (2021). Programming in mathematics classrooms: Changes in preservice teachers’ intentions to integrate robots in teaching. Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education.
- Hall, A., Widdall, C., & Lei, J. (2021). Preparing for virtual student teaching: A presence + experience design case. TechTrends, 65(6), 963–976.
- McCormick, K., & Hall, J. A. (2021). Computational thinking learning experiences, outcomes, and research in preschool settings: A scoping review of literature. Education and Information Technologies.
- Neumann, K. L., Short, C. R., Hall, J. A., & Alvarado-Albertorio, F. (2021). Introduction to the special issue on blended and distance learning for P-12 contexts. TechTrends, 65(6), 908–910.
- Radloff, J., & Hall, J. A. (2021). Development and testing of the Draw-A-Programmer Test (DAPT) to explore elementary preservice teachers’ conceptions of computational thinking. Education and Information Technologies.
- Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Lei, J., Wang, Q., & Yang, F. (2021). Using digital canvas to facilitate student questioning in large lecture classes: A mixed-methods study. Interactive Learning Environments, 1–12.
- SUNY Universal Design for Learning for Student Empowerment. Funding for the design, development, implementation and evaluation of Universal Design for Learning professional development for SUNY faculty and instructional designers provided by SUNY’s Office of Disability, Diversity, and Nontraditional Student Services. Principal investigator: Christopher D. Hromalik, Ph.D.
Invited talks
- Hromalik, C. D. (2021, November 16). Inclusive from the start: The Universal Design for Learning framework. Invited presentation for the November 2021 meeting of the New York State Board of Regents, Albany, NY.
- Elnara Mammadova (C.A.S. IDD&E ’18) was elected a national consultant to UNICEF Azerbaijan on Inclusive Education (IE) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). As a national consultant on IE and UDL, she designs and develops a training program for textbook authors and evaluation experts at the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan. During the training design process, she used the coursework she created for her IDE 632 Instructional Design II course.
Media coverage

Elnara Mammadova shared the historical progress of inclusive approaches in the society on disability in Akinchi—a prominent online educational YouTube channel in Azerbaijan. In the video, she talked about designing an inclusive curriculum at the school and classroom levels. During the International Day for People with Disabilities at the Inclusion Festival 2021 event, she gave a virtual speech about the ways of establishing inclusive attitudes in society. She explained how medical and social approaches to disability evolved over the years. She used real cases to explain the implications of those approaches in real life. The event was organized by Kekalove Adaptive Fashion and funded by the U.S. embassy in Azerbaijan and Ottobock.
Word count: 446
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